Crew Connection
777 E Merritt Island Causeway  Suite 249

Merritt Island, Florida 32952

Phone 321-269-0420 Fax 321-269-0441

321-961-0093 For after hours & Emergencies



Here's what our clients have to say:

“Extremely professional and helpful.  I appreciated getting options with different airlines so fast.  Your service is easy to use and very friendly, hands down.  Thanks!”
Philip Davies, London, England

“The cruise I booked through your agency was absolutely incredible (and very romantic)!  I proposed to my girlfriend that week and she accepted.”
Thomas Alvarez, Miami, Florida

“My last minute  trip went smoothly thanks to your fantastic crew travel department.  Thanks for all the following up and getting me to exactly where I needed to be while saving money.”
Jamie Hunter, Cape Canaveral, Florida 

Crew Connection is not only here for your travel needs, we are here to help you with Western Union or shipping needs. Need a physical address here in the states we can help. Keep in touch with family member through emails with our free internet or buy a phone card. We have too many services to offer our Marine crew member to list them all; tell us how we can assist you.
Come in Today!!!

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